
住宿 & 可访问性援助

可及性服务 assists students in arranging accommodations to reduce the effects of the student’s disability on their academic experience. What is “reasonable” is determined between 可及性服务 and the student.

学生有权获得便利的住宿条件, and accommodation letters describing the student’s accommodations are delivered to faculty by the individual student.

  • 学生必须达到与同学相同的学术标准.
  • The college is not obligated to provide accommodations that would fundamentally alter the 课程.

住宿 are not optional and are not left to the discretion of the instructor. 然而,无障碍服务鼓励咨询、提问和关注. The coordinator may or may not have written permission from a student to discuss the nature of the student’s disability, but can discuss the student’s functional limitations relating to the individual classroom, 课程, 和测试.

可访问性服务可能能够提供适当的替代方案, 特别是在住宿可以从根本上改变课程的地方. 无障碍联络服务 if you feel an accommodation is unsuitable for your course or a particular class (e.g. 实地考察、实验).


  • Specialized test administration for students who need to take their tests in the 学习共享 for disability-related reasons
  • 针对个别学生的课堂和测试适应性进行咨询
  • 为有学习困难的学生提供咨询
  • 初步筛选可能有学习障碍的学生

Sometimes a student’s accommodations will include use of specialized hardware, software or services. 无障碍服务可以通过以下方式提供帮助:

  • Assisting with conversion of your tests and materials into accessible format – audio, 大的打印, 盲文, 等.
  • 采购替代媒体的教科书
  • 训练学生使用辅助技术


  • 读 & 编写读写软件
  • 带有Siri听写功能的ipad
  • 放大闭路电视
  • 借出或课堂使用的智能笔、数码录音机和笔记本电脑
  • 许多其他类型的专业软件和设备


  • 帮助学生找一个同学做记录员或抄写员
  • 为教室助理或手语翻译找个座位
  • Provide us with your syllabi and/or classroom material so we can arrange for alternate media
  • 如果你的课程有定时测试, you may be asked to extend the testing window (many instructors remove the time limit)


  • 上层的类可能必须暂时移到可访问的位置
  • 与部门助理一起工作, 建筑物及场地, 或无障碍服务,以找到一个无障碍的地方
  • It is not adequate to substitute access to the classroom with copies of lecture notes or private meetings, 特别是如果中断预计将持续一两天以上

You and the student will work out the logistics of testing accommodations once the student delivers their accommodation letter.

  • 学生通常会被推荐到学习共享地进行测试.
  • 当实际, students should take their tests at the same time as the rest of the class to ease concerns about test security.
  • A student may need to take their test at a different time to accommodate the need for extended time or use of assistive technology.


  • 可访问性(延长测试时间限制等).)
  • 创建可访问的文档
  • 视频字幕和说明

Best practices you can use to create accessible documents as you create and post content:

Microsoft Word:

  • 使用Times New Roman或Arial字体,字号不小于12点.
  • 使用标题来帮助导航和文档的可读性.
  • 确保所有图片都有替代文字.
  • 避免使用SmartArt和文本框. Many screen readers have difficulty with text boxes and get “stuck” when trying to read them. 图表、表格和图形需要替代文本.
  • 使用辅助功能检查器检查您的文档.


  • 从一个可访问的Word文档开始.
  • 检查可访问性后,将其保存为PDF.
  • 如果其他人创建了PDF:
    • 尝试突出显示文本,看看是否可以选中它. 如果你不能,它很可能是一个图像.
    • 经常, the easiest way to make it accessible is to use 读 and Write (you can download and use 读 and Write for free as a part of your association with JCC) to convert the document to a Word document. 添加替代文本并运行可访问性检查器,然后保存为PDF.


  • 选择对比度好的颜色,避免红色和绿色.
  • 确保每张幻灯片都有一个独特的标题.
  • 确保所有图片都有替代文字和字幕.
  • Make sure text is 24 point or larger (even larger for face-to-face classes, 28+).
  • 使用可访问性检查器并确保以正确的顺序读取元素.
  • 要下载,还需要创建一个可访问的PDF版本. 屏幕阅读器很难阅读ppt.


  • 确保超链接文本是有意义的. 避免使用“点击这里”和其他非描述性词语.


  • 所有视频都需要字幕. TEI可以帮你.
    • 只有大约20%的使用字幕的人是聋人. 其余的则有各种各样的访问需求. 由于学习障碍或脑损伤造成的处理困难, 需要一个更安静的环境, 更好的注意/关注, and “it is just easier to absorb the information with captions on” are just a few reasons that people use captioning.
    • Auto captioning (like provided through YouTube) is not accessible because it will contain errors. 但是,使用它! 这是一个很好的工具,但是你需要修正软件的错误.
  • 视频应该包括描述.
    • With most lectures, this is not needed because the material is what you are saying.
    • 如果你用视频来展示事情是如何发生的, 或者展示一些东西, 那么就需要描述了. 例子:“这是一段有丝分裂的视频. The first thing that happens is that the cell begins to grow… …finally you have two identical cells."
  • If you are demonstrating with a video or using a video that does not describe what is happening, 一定要添加描述它的音频.
  • 同样的道理,字幕不仅适用于聋哑人或听力障碍者, 视频描述可以帮助每个人.

According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, qualified students with disabilities have the right to reasonable modifications in all campus programs and services in order to make a college education truly accessible.

高中特殊教育法, 比如残疾人教育法(IDEA), 是为了确保学生成功而设计的吗, 以毕业结束. Individualized education plans (IEPs) are formal plans for helping students in K-12 be as successful as they can be, 但在大学阶段是不提供的.

与残疾有关的信息是保密的. 可及性服务 may not have the student’s permission to discuss the nature of the student’s disability, 而可以在课堂和测试环境中讨论学生的需求.

你不应该问学生他们的特殊残疾(例如, 它是什么或严重程度), 尽管他们可能会自我表露.

Students requesting classroom and testing modifications must work through 可及性服务 and provide documentation supporting the disability-related request.

你也可以转介有残疾的学生, 或者不确定但可能有资格获得援助的学生, 无障碍服务.

There is no requirement for faculty to make any modifications to coursework or testing unless notified by 可及性服务. Claims of disability and requests for accommodation from students should be referred to the 可及性服务 office for proper evaluation and action.

当你准备或更新教学大纲时, please consider including a statement about the availability of services for students with disabilities:

"Special 住宿: Students who require accommodations to complete the requirements and expectations of this course because of a disability must make their accommodation requests to the 可及性服务 office. 唐·普尔,美国残疾人协会协调员/无障碍服务,电话716.338.1251, or accessibility@mail.psozxd.com."


“在我们目前课程交付的变化中, we are doing our best to move all of our classroom material into an alternate format. Our commitment is to make courses accessible to everyone and we make every effort to insure inclusivity in design. 如果你在获取资料时遇到障碍, we will implement design modifications or appropriate accommodations to minimize and potentially eliminate those barriers. Please contact 可及性服务 if you run into any barriers so that we can address them promptly."